Monday, August 15, 2011


I remember that when I was much ‘younger’ in Cheerleading, I was told that if I ever want to be a champion, I need to behave like a champion. Train like a champion, eat like a champion, sleep like a champion, talk like a champion and think like a champion. I’ve seen many individuals attend training without fail, give full participation during training, and most importantly, hit the gym 7 times a week. Many of them followed this idea yet the result did not turn out as desired. And since then, they fell into the pit of doubts and negativity.

What went wrong exactly? I thought I was told that if I just behave like a champion, I would be one too?

The problem actually lies in ‘think like a champion’. Many inspired to be one, but most failed because they do not have the proper mindset to be one. We go online and search for all the things champions would do and follow them closely, but how many of us actually put in time and effort to research about their ‘thinking’?


You need to first be who you want to be, then do what you need to do to be who you want to be and then finally, you can have what you want to have. You realized that it is not


Maybe the following ‘formula’ would be a better illustration of this BE-DO-HAVE concept.


Our thoughts give birth to actions which determine our results.

If you want to be a champion, you need to first think like a champion. You must THINK like a champion then you can go on to proceed to behave like a champion. I believe all champions have gone through hellish training and discipline to be one. If you do not have the mentality of champion such as perseverance, endurance, discipline and etc. Do you think you can survive the training in the first place?

Donald Trumph said this in his book.

“Play to win. People only likes winner”

A lot of people did not win because they did not set out to win in the first place. Since winning is not important, why would ‘winning’ goes to them? Every game Donald Trumph played in, he play to win and most importantly He won. Maybe I could give you another simpler illustration. Take for example; you have a very beautiful girlfriend that everyone wants to go after but she chose you over other suitors. IF, what you are telling your girlfriend every day is ‘you are not important’, what’s important is the process of courtship. I think sooner or later, your girlfriend would leave you eventually. This goes the same with anything you want in life, be it money, people, friends, good grades and etc. You will never get it because it is NOT important, that’s why you subconsciously ‘avoiding’ it or rather ‘rejecting’ it.

“Your aptitude determines your altitude”

If your mindset is right, even God can’t stop you from winning or achieving your true desire.

Most importantly, BE HONEST with yourself. If you truly desire to win, then WIN. Don’t need to care about the noise around you.

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