Monday, May 23, 2011

3rd entry for June'11 VoM

A video by Valerie and tagged by Celine from TP Blazers for our 3rd entry for June VoM. Thanks Celine and Valerie for the support for VoM, even though I do not know you guys yet, but I am sure I will in future. It is a video that shows TP Blazers training in the gymnasium for their gymnastics. It started off with them on the train after gymnastics training, talking about how tired they are and muscles aching, showing some little injuries that they endured through, and even figured out a way to earn some money so they can go for more gymnastics lessons. I must really applaued their hardwork, and travelling from 1 end of the island to the other (TP is in the extreme east and Bazgym is in the extreme west).

Some really great stuff I see you guys doing in the gym too, and to do 18 back tucks in a row is no easy feat. You guys are great and doing very well, hope to see even better stuff from you guys soon.

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